Intellectual Disabilities

Adults with intellectual disabilities benefit from Step By Step, Inc. ‘s Residential options, which offer care, camaraderie and professional guidance in a number of ways.


Visit our pages to learn more about our individualized options.


Community Homes

Between one and four adults live in each of Step By Step, Inc.’s Community Homes, which provide individualized support and supervision up to 24 hours a day.


These specialized residences house between one and eight adults each. Independence is developed and encouraged and medical support is available.

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When unexpected circumstances arise, Respite steps in. Our temporary housing offers relief to caregivers, family members and individuals as needed, aiming for as little interruption to daily routines and care as possible.

Life Sharing

Households across Pennsylvania open their hearts and homes to eligible adults via Lifesharing, the program that gives individuals and their sponsor families the benefits of shared living and experiences.

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In-Home Community Support

Individuals living independently or with family or friends sometimes need the added assistance offered by Step By Step, Inc.’s mobile resources.